
Sid Xxx

Male, 39

Location: BEDFORD, WA Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

29-Jul-10Squash - Beginner

I want to get my fitness levels up by the start of the next Cricket season, and I reckon squash being such a rigourous sport would be the best solution. I've never played Squash before, and would want that to change soon. Please contact me if you are willing to bear a learner playing along with you. I am a pretty quick learner and am pretty easy going. Availability----Can work around my uni and work schedule and make time after 5PM on weekdays and am free throughout the weekends. I live in Bedford,but am willing to travel upto 15kms from my location.

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