Australia wide - 341 profile(s).

Jonathan Tsang

15-Feb-15Touch-Football -Intermediate


Hi, Played touch footy for about 8 years on and off. Need to get fit again after being overseas for 12 months and looking for a fun social team to play touch footy/Oz Tag with in the Sydney metro area. I have played in Bondi, Heffron, City (broadway) and through High School. Week nights available Thanks guys/girls. Jonathan

Adam Napier

04-Nov-14Touch-Football -Intermediate


Played the sport at various points through highschool and after. Looking for something either in the evenings on weeknights or on the weeknds in the northern or north eastern suburbs

Evan Millar

29-Oct-14Touch-Football -Intermediate

GYMEA, NSWMale, 35

Looking to join a touch or oz tag team. Can play any day. Played on and of for 8years. Anywhere in the sutherland shire. Evan

Matt Kowal

08-Oct-14Touch-Football -Advanced


Hey all, could anyone let me know where there is either social or competition touch football near new farm, the city or surrounding suburbs. No car at present so closer the better. Thanks

Abby McColl

18-Sep-14Touch-Football -Intermediate


Hi , Looking for a social touch team for a week night apart from wednesday pref scarbs area but would consider anything close to there. Email for more information

Nicole McCabe

25-Aug-14Touch-Football -Intermediate


I am 20 year old Female interested in joining a mixed social touch rugby team. I have recently moved from new Zealand and I have played the game since I was young. I am available weeknights and weekends. I live in Canning Vale. I am committed reliable and willing to travel.

Meghan Israel

27-Jul-14Touch-Football -Beginner

PYRMONT, NSWFemale, 36

I'm a fan of contact sports and touch-football is contact enough for me to be fun, engaging, and will keep my heart racing throughout. I'd like to get involved in as much sports as I can. Right now, I am active in basketball, playing for an all female team in Bondi Junction. I also go swimming at least twice a week. There will always be room for another sport in my schedule. Hoping someone with a touch-football team will contact me and get me to join. :)

Jeremy Mohamed

28-Jun-14Touch-Football -Beginner


I want to put together a social touch footy team. I have played a little bit and its great fun, but I am still rubbish. I am 33 yo male and I didn’t really play any ball sports growing up. The rules are really easy to learn but I really want to learn some basic skills like ball skills, passing, some game tactics, communication etc. So if I get enough people I can organise some training for the game, perhaps over a 6-8 weeks or even longer if we enjoy it.

Keith Winters

09-Jun-14Touch-Football -Intermediate


I'm interested in playing social touch rugby. I have been playing for several years and can hold my own. I live in Patterson Lakes, am keen to play nearby if possible, and available most evenings or weekends.

Chay Browning

03-Jun-14Touch-Football -Intermediate


Hi my name is Chay I have just moved from Tasmania and looking to join a fun active group of people who enjoy sports. I have not played in a few years but would like to play again for the fitness & chance to meet new people and have fun at the same time. I'm 23 years old out going person & I like to think I have a good sense of humour. I'm living in the Subiaco area but can work around travel.

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