
Amanda Huckstadt

Female, 52

Location: SANDRINGHAM, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

02-Jun-11Baseball - Intermediate

Sandringham Baseball Club is entering thier 4th Summer season and agian are planning on fielding two teams for the 2011/12 Season. We pride ourselves on a fun and friendly atmosphere and are looking to recruit players of all abilities (15+), even if you have never played before. Preseason training commences late August/early September, or you can join our Winter trianing sessions to meet some of the players and start to get the ball rolling (so to speak). Training is Wednesday evenings 6-8pm and games are on Saturdays. Even if you have the smallest question please feel free to contact me, its a great sport and a great club. Amanda

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