
Anna Sobieniak

Female, 37

Location: HAWTHORN EAST, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

22-Jul-12Volleyball - Intermediate

Looking to join a volleyball team. I haven't played for a few years and have never played competitively. Would like to get back into it and meet some new people along the way. I'm available in the evenings after 6, except Mondays. Would preferably like to play anywhere near Richmond or the surrounding suburbs.

22-Jul-12Netball - Beginner

Looking to join a mixed or women's netball team! I've never played before, but I am athletic, ready to learn and meet some new people while doing so. I'm available any evening after 6pm except Mondays. Would love to play anywhere near Richmond or the surrounding suburbs.

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