
Bianca Krause

Female, 34

Location: FOOTSCRAY WEST, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

27-Jun-09Rowing - Beginner

Hi, iam pretty new to Melbourne looking for a club to join i have never rowed seriously before but am very excited to start.

27-Jun-09Basketball - Intermediate

Hi, iam pretty new to Melbourne looking for a team to play with any night of the week or weekends. i enjoy playing basketball and have played for 3-4 years from 14-17yrs old.

27-Jun-09Netball - Intermediate

Hi, iam pretty new to Melbourne looking for a team to play with any night of the week or weekends. i have played netball from under 10's to under 18's but havnt played since i moved to melb very excited to get back into it.

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