
Christian Kath

Male, 44

Location: CROYDON, NSW Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: - Smoker: No Do you drink?: - Any children?: Yes Do you have a car?: Yes Profession: Operations Manager

Sports Profiles

26-Apr-14General Fitness - Beginner

Looking for a personal trainer for 2 or 3 early morning sessions per week ongoing, ideally in Croydon/Five Dock/Concord area.

26-Apr-14Badminton - Beginner

Hi, I live in the Inner West and looking to join a badminton club or group for social play 1 - 2 nights per week. Have never played before, but have played squash for a number of years so will hopefully pick up the basics readily enough. Any guidance or suggestions would be welcomed. Welcome to text me on 0407 862 136. Christian

26-Apr-14Squash - Intermediate

Played squash to good social standard (lower A grade) throughout 20's but has been a number of years since I last played regularly and weight/fitness is not what it used to be! Looking for someone to have a game with 1 or 2 evenings a week (prefer weeknights), ideally in the Five Dock/ Concord area.

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