Emma Roberts
Female, 37
Albert Park, Victoria
Body Type:
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Sports Profiles
25-Oct-17Netball - Intermediate
Enjoy playing, best in GD/WA/WD. Played for a while but fitness levels could be improved! Can catch, can throw. Prefer social sports.
25-Oct-17Cycling - Intermediate
Have a road bike, looking for a group to cycle beach road with. live in Albert Park so head out from here or I can meet you on the way.
25-Oct-17Chess - Intermediate
Love chess - will give anyone a game anytime!
25-Oct-17Archery - Intermediate
Enjoy archery - I don't have any kit but happy to come along!
25-Oct-17Basketball - Intermediate
Enjoy playing, best in D-C grade. Available most nights, live a walk from MSAC.