
Erica Weatherly

Female, 32

Location: WAURN PONDS, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

30-Apr-11Soccer - Intermediate

I have played soccer all my life. In canberra i played at a premiere league womens level, and also represented my state for 6 consecutive years. However i've had a year off now and am pretty rusty so i'm looking to enter the game at a more social level! thanks

30-Apr-11Volleyball - Beginner

I played volleyball with school and loved it. If you need someone enthusiastic with a bit of skill to join your team i would love too! Thanks

30-Apr-11Basketball - Beginner

I haven't played basketball before but i have played different sports all my life and Im looking for something new and fun! I'm 19 years old and would love to join your social basketball team if it is in geelong! thanks

30-Apr-11Rowing - Beginner

I haven't rowed before but i would love to start something social and fun for fitness! I've played other sports all my life but am keen to try something new! If you need a new crew member let me know!

30-Apr-11Soccer-Indoor - Intermediate

I've played futsal for 7 years at a state level. However i've just had a year off and am looking to join any team at any level for fun. If you need a player for a womens or mixed team i would really love to play! Thanks

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