
Helen Marleston

Female, 49

Location: MARLESTON, SA Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

11-May-11Basketball - Intermediate

Netball Women's - MONDAY at 7pm and 8pm, game with some variations from basketball such as: ability to shoot two point goals using a backboard. Fun to play. Contact Helen for more details. . . MIXED Netball - TUESDAY at 8pm, great social competition. . . Netball CARNIVAL October 8 -15 for womens netball and mixed netball, and Junior Netball u17, u15, u13. Register your interest now - phone 8297.2471 . . Close to city, huge easy car parking, Canteen and Bar

11-May-11Netball - Intermediate

Netball Women's - MONDAY at 7pm and 8pm, game with some variations such as: ability to shoot two point goals using a backboard. Contact Helen for more details. . . MIXED Netball - TUESDAY at 8pm, great social competition. . . Netball CARNIVAL October 8 -15 for womens netball and mixed netball, and Junior Netball u17, u15, u13. Register your interest now - phone 8297.2471 . . Close to city, huge easy car parking, Canteen and Bar

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