
Michelle Martin

Female, 42

Location: WEST MELBOURNE, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

22-Nov-10Running - Beginner

Hi, I'm Michelle and I've just recently moved to Melbourne. I'm looking to start running again as I used to run regularly but have gotten a bit lazy recently and thought getting a few people together would be a good motivator! I live in the cbd so would be looking to running there or close by. I'm available most evenings/weekends.

22-Nov-10Netball - Beginner

Hey, I'm Michelle and I've just moved to Melbourne. I played netball when I was a kid but haven't played for a good 15 years so would be starting at pretty much beginner level! If anyone know of any teams around the CBD/inner suburbs that may be looking for a beginner level player let me know :) I'm available most evenings/weekend.

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