
Mischale Falconer

Female, 38

Location: ST KILDA, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

15-Apr-13Volleyball - Intermediate

Hey All, Keen to get involved in an indoor beach or indoor volleyball during the week. Have been playing in the summer season down at St Kilda. Would prefer St Kilda/Albert Park/South Yarra area. Cheers! Mish

15-Apr-13Soccer - Intermediate

Hey All, Keen to get involved in a woman soccer team during the week! Currently play mixed on Wednesday lunchtimes and Thursday nights. Albert park/St Kilda/South Yarra and surrounding suburbs preferred! Cheers! Mish

28-Jul-12Touch-Football - Intermediate

Hey There, I am 26 year old female and I am looking at joining a touch rugby team! I used to play in NZ a few year back and I am looking to join either a mixed or female team. I can play any night during the week. Keen to start ASAP! Cheers!

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