
Paul Rummery

Male, 44

Location: ST KILDA, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

06-Apr-10Martial Arts - Intermediate

I have trained in judo, Karate, kick boxing and thai boxing. Always open to learning new skills and techniques. If anyone wants a park training buddy (light training and pad work) then Im open to hearing from you.

06-Apr-10Sailing - Intermediate

I hold a RYA 'Competant Crew' certificate. Have been actively crewing on week day and weekend racing. Anyone who needs yacht racing or trip crew, let me know - as all experience goes towards my attaining my skippers qualification.

06-Apr-10Kayaking - Advanced

I hold a BCU 2 star award, and have trained to instructor level. If anyone fancies morning/afternoon weekend sea padels or possible trip plannig, then im open to ideas.

06-Apr-10Soccer - Intermediate

New into Melbourne. I used to play saturday and sunday league football/soccer in mid-field and right wing positions. Looking for a team to train and play with.

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