
Richard Coco

Male, 39

Location: ALTONA MEADOWS, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

28-May-12Basketball - Intermediate

Looking for a team to work on a comeback. still have plenty left in the tank, but i need game time to get my touch back. open to playing weekdays or weekends, and also commited to training sessions. i am not interested in playing mixed as i want to be able to penetrate both ends of the floor. as a starter or off-the-bench player, i would suit a team that is currently in a lower grade or just starting up. 6"1'. played domestic since age of 10. solid build. small/power forward preferred positions. as mentioned, play weekdays or weekends and commited to training sessions. would prefer to play in the city or western suburbs of melbourne due to work/living arrangements. can play northern as well. hope to hear from someone soon.

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