
Samantha Webbert

Female, 36

Location: PORT MELBOURNE, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

21-Nov-11Rugby - Intermediate

Looking to join a co-ed touch rugby team for both my boyfriend and I. We've played heaps in NZ and are keen to join a social team in Melbourne. Living in Port Melbourne, but have a car. Any night works for us. If anyone knows where we can play please let me know! Cheers.

01-Jul-11Volleyball - Intermediate

I've been playing vball for 10 years. Played all through school and on club teams. Interested in joining a competitive/social team either indoor or beach. My partner would also be interested, so would possibly be interested in a co-ed team as well, but not necessarily.

18-Jun-11Soccer - Advanced

Intermediate/ Advanced player was playing Northern League in NZ and just moved over looking for a team to play with! Any one looking for extra player? Available nights and weekends :) Cheers

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