
Sonia Smith

Female, 44

Location: BUNYA, QLD Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

06-Jan-12Tennis - Intermediate

I am looking for a club to join to play social tennis and maybe competitive too. I used to play comp tennis however haven't played in a few months now. New to Brisbane and looking for a club near Ferny Grove. Please contact me if anyone knows of a good one Cheers _ Sonia

06-Jan-12Touch-Football - Intermediate

Hi I am looking for a touch football team to join as I am new to Brisbane. I am an experienced sportswomen and have played in a mixed adult Touch Football team before. I also play tennis and softball and volleyball. I have interested in football all my life, and I am fit and will dedicate myself to training. Does anyone know of a touch football team in the North Brisbane area for mixed adults? Cheers : )

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